Common questions about consultants on Impala
I'm a consultant, can I use Impala?
Yes! Anyone can have an account on Impala and access all free Essential features, or upgrade to Premium feature access.
How do I give my consultant access to my Impala profile?
You can add them as a user onto your profile, with Edit access, from your account settings. For step-by-step instructions for this, go here.
Can I be assigned to more that one account?
Yes! After registering your first account, reach out to and let us know that you're a consultant and the accounts you need access to. Our team will do the necessary checks, and then once approved we'll tag your account as a consultant and add your user to the requested accounts.
Does Impala have a network of authorized consultants?
Not yet, but it's something we are considering for the future. If you're a consultant interested in possibly collaborating on this idea with Impala, please reach out to us at