Creating a Landscape Markers Ecosystem

How to build an Ecosystem around geographies and cause areas.

If you're building your first ecosystem, we suggest doing it by Landscape Markers. You don't need to have particular organizations in mind to start. For video instructions - click here.

If you're looking for funding - pick cause areas, keyword, and/or locations that align with your organization. This will include all the nonprofits that fit these filters. It will also include all of their funders so you can see who is funding organizations like yours.

If you're looking for nonprofits to support or trends - pick cause areas, keyword, and/or locations that create the landscape you're looking to learn more about and possibly support. This will include all the nonprofits that fit these filters and their funders.

Step 1

Select Ecosystems from the top navigation bar or from the Homepage click into Explore my ecosystem and then Build Custom Ecosystem. (15)

Then select the Landscape Markers option.

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Step 2

Click inside the Geographies box to add the geographies you'd like included in your Ecosystem. Type into the box to look up cities, counties, and states based in the US.

To search the whole united states, leave this box empty.

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You can add multiple locations if you'd like. Once done, click anywhere outside of the Geographies box to make the drop down menu disappear.

Ecosystems will find all nonprofits that are located in ANY of the selected geographies (i.e. at least one).

Step 3

Click the + Add cause button to add in the causes you're interested in searching.

Cause areas have been pulled from IRS NTEE codes but also expanded. You can type to search for a cause area or look through the menu of categories and subcategories.

Ecosystems will find all nonprofit profiles that include ANY of the causes entered (i.e. at least one) and are located in the geography defined above.

Select your cause(s) and click Confirm.

Step 4

If you'd like to narrow your search further, try adding in Keywords.

Click in the Keywords box and type a free text word or phrase, then hit enter. Ecosystems will search for nonprofits with the keyword in their name or mission statement.

You can add in multiple keywords to broaden your search.

Tip: you can use keywords in tandem with cause areas to help narrow down your search. But you can also use keywords without adding in any cause areas. Give it a try if you're having trouble getting good results with cause areas.

If you want to search for multiple terms together, try using a "+" to add them as a single keyword. For example, adding in "youth" and "theater" will search for nonprofits with either "youth" OR "theater" as a keyword. If I instead search for "youth + theater", I'll get nonprofits with BOTH words in their name or mission statement, which will refine my ecosystem.

Step 5

Click the Advanced Criteria button to add any additional filters to your Ecosystem. You can search for specific Funders or Nonprofits to exclude them, include or exclude organizations by attribute, set a minimum and/or maximum on the operating budget or assets of the nonprofits in the Ecosystem, or exclude grants given through Donor Advised Funds (DAFs).

Step 6

You can preview the number of nonprofits and funders that will be in your Ecosystem on the bottom blue bar. Once you are happy with all the criteria you set, you can view the full Ecosystem by selecting the gold Define Ecosystem button.

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Your Ecosystem is now ready for you to dig into! If you want to change your filters, select Edit Filters from the top left. If you want to revisit the Ecosystem, select the save icon on the right, next to the New Ecosystem button, or click the pencil icon next to the auto-generated name.

eco dash landscape