Essentials is the now and forever free version of Impala that provides you with capacity-building features to help nonprofits with prospecting, and funders undertaking due diligence. It's public data made accessible and actionable for you.
Looking for a particular nonprofit, foundation, or a prominent individual in the sector? Type in their name or EIN into the search bar to find their detailed Impala Profile. With no limit on searches, you can find any organization you're looking for. Learn how to search for organizations or people or go ahead and jump right into lists here. Click here to start searching on Impala.
Impala has a profile for any organization in the US that has filed a Form 990 - currently over 2.9 million! This includes both foundations and nonprofits. The profiles are pre-populated with information and data from Form 990 filings, such as revenues and expenses, assets, and any grants they've given or received.
Your profile is the best place to showcase your organization's work and be found by prospective funders or grant applicants.
Login to start setting up your organization's profile and check out this video tutorial for best practices to enhance it.
Lists are the centralized place on Impala where you can keep track of your work. Whether you're a nonprofit prospecting for funders, or a funder doing your due diligence, now you can keep all of the organizations that interest you in one place. There's no limit to the amount of organizations you can include in each list, or the number of lists you can have on your account.
Create your first list today and start saving yourself the time of digging through countless browser tabs and spreadsheets!
Impala for Fundraisers
Impala for Fundraisers is your virtual fundraising assistant for institutional philanthropy. With curated lists of suggested prospects, an intelligent prospect list, access to direct contact details, and more, Impala for Fundraisers helps you win more by doing less.
See more information on how Impala for Fundraisers can accelerate your fundraising here.
Ecosystems functionality is available with an Impala for Fundraisers or Ecosystems subscription.
Ecosystems gives you the sector-specific insights you need, on your terms. With this premium product, you can choose causes, geographies, and keywords to gain unprecedented visibility into any nonprofit sector in the United States. See who's involved, how funders or nonprofits compare, and emerging funding trends.
Already have a sector in mind? Click here to start exploring your Ecosystem.
Need some help navigating your Ecosystem or understanding how they work? Learn about the different types and what's in an Ecosystem here.
My Portfolio
Attention funders: your personalized portfolio awaits. This premium product is included with your subscription to Ecosystems. It helps you keep your finger on the pulse of grantees across key metrics - financial health, organization size, geographic spread, and IRS status. Manage risk by tracking how reliant grantees are on your support and discover which funders support the same grantees as you.
Learn more about your portfolio on Impala here.