Download the Full Democracy Ecosystem Dataset

The complete Democracy Ecosystem dataset is now available for download. This comprehensive resource encompasses the full list of funders and nonprofits, and detailed grant information for the sector.

Financials Data

  • This CSV includes financial data extracted from 990 files on each organization in the ecosystem.
  • Each data point is entered under a separate column.
  • Each line represents data for a specific year for a specific organization, indicated by the 'Organization ID'.
  • For explanations about where specific data points originate in the 990 file, see the 'Financials_Definitions.xls' which is part of the data export.
  • Some financial data points in this file are Impala-calculated fields based on  990 data.  Find details on the calculations and data points in the 'Financials_Definitions' excel as well.


  • This CSV lists all of the organizations in this ecosystem with a unique 'ID' that is used to identify them in the 'Financials Data' and 'Grants' data files.
  • In addition to general information on each organization, you'll find columns that list all of their associated 'Causes' (based on IRS NTEE codes) and specially curated 'Sponsored Tags' that are the foundation of the U.S. Democracy Hub.


  • This CSV lists all of the grants given and received in this ecosystem.
  • Each grant includes two 'IDs' that tie back to the Organizations file: 
    • The 'organization_donor_id' identifies the relevant funder who gave the grant
    • The 'receiver_id' identifies the relevant nonprofit recipient of the grant

Financials Data Definitions

  • This CSV includes explanations on all source data for the data export files available on this page.

Democracy Tags Index

  • This CSV includes the 'IDs' found in the Organizations, indicating which democracy tags are associated with each organization, and which curated ecosystems are associated with each tag.
Download Files
Last updated: Sep 29, 2024

Upon submission of the form below you'll get immediate access to the download links of the complete Democracy Ecosystem Dataset

  • Democracy_Financials.csv
  • Democracy_Organizations.csv
  • Democracy_Grants.csv
  • Financials_Definitions.xls
  • Democracy_Tags_Index.csv
Important_Notes Important Notes
  • Expenses Breakdown: In order to calculate 'Other' expenses you need to subtract the total itemized expenses (columns L to R) from the 'Total Expenses' (column I) in the 'Democracy_Financials' CSV.  This amount is not represented in the CSV.
  • Revenue Sources: In order to calculate the amount from 'Other' sources, you need to subtract the total itemized revenue sources (columns T to Y) from 'Total Revenue' (column S) in the 'Democracy_Financials' CSV.  This amount is not represented in the CSV.
  • Counts of board members and employees only include data reported on regular 990 forms. This means this data does not exist for 990PF, 990EZ or 990N forms.