Access impala's network
Profiles on every nonprofit and foundation across the United States.
Completely free, now and always.
See how impala works
Search Engine
Explore the profiles of every nonprofit and foundation to see their impact, people and financials. Search for people based on causes they’re involved in, populations they serve or organizations they’re connected to. All in one, user-friendly platform. And all for free.
Ecosystem Intelligence
Learn about any nonprofit ecosystem, anywhere in the United States. Choose the geographies, causes and populations you’re interested in, and we’ll show you who’s involved, what they’re doing and the most important statistics and trends.
Network Intelligence
Analyze your organization’s rich network of grantees, funders, board members and employees. Understand your true footprint in the areas and ecosystems you support - where you stand, where you’re most active and whether there are areas or organizations you’re overlooking.
Relationship Intelligence
Visualize your organization’s network of relationships. Map how your employees, board members, donors and grantees are connected, or select a person or organization and we’ll find paths to them using your existing network.
Key Features
Peer Benchmarking
See how your organization compares. Analyze other grantmakers’ funding, identify your unique strengths, pinpoint where you’re a market leader and monitor emerging trends.
Targeted Co-Funding
Discover other grantmakers who think and fund like you. Streamline collaboration by partnering with like-minded funders who share your priorities, and your values.
Grantee Evaluation
Become a due-diligence master. Understand potential grantees’ financial health, who funds them, and how they measure impact - all without asking them a single question.
Strategic Planning
Take a bird’s eye view of an entire landscape. Make more informed, impactful funding decisions by seeing who’s involved, how they’re connected and where your blind spots are.
Community Building
Engage your community. Give board members, supporters and DAF holders a single, interactive tool to track your impact, learn about the sector and explore your network.
Donor Prospecting
Unlock more value from your prospect lists. Focus your search using insights like which funders are most likely to attract other donors, and which foundations typically cofund together.
Lead Generation
Your network is much, much bigger than you realize. Discover the true extent of your organization’s reach and the fastest way to build the warm leads you’re after.
Trend Tracking
Stay ahead of the curve. Monitor funding trends and priority shifts across the geographies and issues your nonprofit cares about, as they happen.
Impactful Storytelling
Tell a compelling story. Use data to show why your organization stands out, and to focus your pitch on the details your prospects truly care about.
for impact
for impact
for impact
for impact
for impact
Key Features
Peer Benchmarking
See how your organization compares. Analyze other grantmakers’ funding, identify your unique strengths, pinpoint where you’re a market leader and monitor emerging trends.
Targeted Co-Funding
Discover other grantmakers who think and fund like you. Streamline collaboration by partnering with like-minded funders who share your priorities, and your values.
Grantee Evaluation
Become a due-diligence master. Understand potential grantees’ financial health, who funds them, and how they measure impact - all without asking them a single question.
Strategic Planning
Take a bird’s eye view of an entire landscape. Make more informed, impactful funding decisions by seeing who’s involved, how they’re connected and where your blind spots are.
Community Building
Engage your community. Give board members, supporters and DAF holders a single, interactive tool to track your impact, learn about the sector and explore your network.
Key Features
Donor Prospecting
Unlock more value from your prospect lists. Focus your search using insights like which funders are most likely to attract other donors, and which foundations typically cofund together.
Lead Generation
Your network is much, much bigger than you realize. Discover the true extent of your organization’s reach and the fastest way to build the warm leads you’re after.
Trend Tracking
Stay ahead of the curve. Monitor funding trends and priority shifts across the geographies and issues your nonprofit cares about, as they happen.
Impactful Storytelling
Tell a compelling story. Use data to show why your organization stands out, and to focus your pitch on the details your prospects truly care about.
Design Partners
Advisory Committees
These incredible people help ensure impala is built by nonprofits, for nonprofits.