Introducing the
U.S. Democracy Hub

The most comprehensive, insightful, and accessible data platform for the U.S. nonprofit Democracy field.


Data for the People

For Funders

who want to understand the field, address gaps, and discover new grantees to support


For Nonprofits

who want to enhance their strategies, sustainability, and impact


For Researchers

who want to access the most reliable and insightful data

manage lists

For Journalists

who want to tell stories that matter, grounded in meaningful data

Unlock the strategic data you need to succeed.


How it Works

1. Public data is centralized

Impala transforms millions of public fillings (990 forms) into insightful profiles for every nonprofit and foundation in the U.S.

2. Organizations are classified

Democracy Funders Network (DFN) applies a modern taxonomy to classify each democracy organization into curated ecosystems (e.g. Good Governance).

3. Users enrich the data

Nonprofits and funders enhance the dataset by updating their profiles and uploading missing or recent 990s. Nonprofits request to be reclassified if needed.

4. Everyone benefits

Users get insights from profiles and ecosystems of nonprofits and funders that are most relevant to their work.

A Data Hub Like No Other



Provides visibility into what’s happening, who’s involved, and how funding is flowing in the parts of the U.S. Democracy Field that matter to you.



Evolves as the U.S. Democracy field does over time, with the latest data on organizations’ classification, financials, staffing, and funding.



Serves the entire U.S. Democracy field, including nonprofits and funders, whose participation increases value for everyone.



Free to use for years to come, thanks to generous sponsors.

Decoding Democracy

Impala combined its technology with DFN’s taxonomy to make the complexity of the U.S. Democracy field easier to understand.

Custom Ecosystems


Nonprofits Represented

Avatars Types


Funders Involved



get to know your ecosystem(s) like never before

Stronger Fields

Stronger Fields

Building infrastructure, strengthening backbone efforts

Accomplish More for Your Mission


Landscape Assessment

Understand key trends in the U.S. Democracy field and sub-sectors within it.


Gap Analysis

Reveal gaps where your support could make a difference.


Grantee Discovery

Discover new grantees to support in line with your values.



Find opportunities to give alongside peers with similar priorities.


Participatory Classification

Ensure your organization is classified in the correct ecosystem so others can see your work in the field.


Funder Awareness

Enable more funders to see your latest profile data.


Peer Benchmarking

Understand your peers' financials, funding, and staffing to improve your strategy and performance.



Identify and evaluate potential partners in your ecosystem.


Data Access

Export the most complete, organized dataset of nonprofits, funders, and grants in the U.S. Democracy sector.


Thought Leadership

Generate and publish insightful analyses to inform sector stakeholders.


Story Sourcing

Find compelling information in the U.S. Democracy sector worth reporting.


Efficient Research

Analyze sector-wide trends, organization-specific profiles, or original public filings.


Data Visualization

Get high-quality data visuals that can be embedded in stories. 

Eli Pariser

I thought this was an incredibly easy to use resource, and was customized in a way that made me more likely to go back and use it as a regular part of my team's workflow!

Eli Pariser | New Public


WOW. This is really incredible. So much data and incredibly user-friendly; it's clear you all put a ton of detail and analysis here, the explanations and visuals are so compelling. I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Becca Leviss | Democracy 2076

For the Sector, By the Sector

The Democracy Funders Network (DFN) has spent nearly two years collaborating with funders and nonprofits across the democracy sector to design the U.S. Democracy Hub. This project reflects extensive partnerships across the sector, including cooperation with the National Civic League’s “Healthy Democracy Ecosystem Map,” ensuring the Hub will serve as a valuable tool for strengthening democracy efforts. Special thanks to the many partners across the field who contributed their expertise and insights, shaping this platform into what it is today.


The democracy hub cuts away 80% of the research work meaning I can focus my efforts on engaging with the right nonprofits.

Name @ Org


The democracy hub cuts away 80% of the research work meaning I can focus my efforts on engaging with the right nonprofits.

Name @ Org


The democracy hub cuts away 80% of the research work meaning I can focus my efforts on engaging with the right nonprofits.

Name @ Org


The democracy hub cuts away 80% of the research work meaning I can focus my efforts on engaging with the right nonprofits.

Name @ Org

Latest News & Insights

image-placeholder NEW

Jul 2, 2024

Research #1. Groundbreaking report by Democracy Fund says

Jul 1, 2024

Media #2. Tech-for-good startup and funder network collab

Jun 28, 2024

Research #3. Groundbreaking social impact startup, impala

For the Sector, By the Sector


The Democracy Funders Network (DFN) has spent nearly two years collaborating with funders and nonprofits across the democracy sector to design the U.S. Democracy Hub. This project reflects extensive partnerships across the sector, including cooperation with the National Civic League’s “Healthy Democracy Ecosystem” team, ensuring the hub will serve as a valuable tool for strengthening democracy efforts. Special thanks to the many partners across the field who contributed their expertise and insights, shaping this platform into what it is today.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the U.S. Democracy Hub?

How can I join the U.S. Democracy Hub?

Who can access the U.S. Democracy Hub?

Do I need to pay for access?

How was the taxonomy developed?

How are organizations classified in the taxonomy?

How is an organization's financial and organizational data aggregated across multiple categories?

Can I change my organization’s classification?

Where does the data come from?

How often is the data updated?

Can I download raw data for research purposes?

How is my organization’s data used?

How should I cite the U.S. Democracy Hub in my reporting?

Who runs the U.S. Democracy Hub?

Who can I contact to answer a different question?